Welcome to G-Dogs blog

I'll be posting pictures of my work here things like, painting scenery, and model making, Its a show and tell format so please post your current modeling project as well. If you got a question on how I do things that isnt covered feel free to ask.
My Fav, tabletop gaming is Flames of War, Pulp Fiction, and War at sea, AT-43 and Im a big terrain making fan. and of course Model Railroading...

We also plan and run gaming events and will post picture's of that as well .

After reading the comic "Lost Squad" I wanted to paint and model them in 28mm for some pulp fiction gaming.Ive picked some figures from Artizan design and Bolt action and have started painting them up.Some bad guys and scenery will follow.Ive also asked some talented friends to join me so any thing about painting figures and modeling is welcome here.
Gordon aka G-Dog

Something New for 2008/9 is the pod-cast with talk music and hobby news take a chance and give it a listen see link to the ATOMIC LOUNGE with me G-Dog!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

AT-43 for Summer !

We have been busy helping start a new AT-43 fan group at yahoo


Fun game cool models and pre painted so we have plenty of time for other prodjects
We plan on having a "meet and greet" 6/22 to get members planing game times and say hi to each other( more info at link)
Then a FOW party is in the works look for pictures soon.
In mean time take a picture of what your working on and post it so we all can enjoy!

We are also working on a podcast so soon youll be listening to us stay tuned lots of cool stuff coming..

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